Welcome to Reading Week #3!
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… I have been a lazy shite. But I’m BEDA-ing over on Tumblr.
Syreeta McFadden on teaching the camera to see her skin. Buzzfeed Ideas, led by Ayeesha Siddiqi is getting off to a great start.
New documentary, American Blogger, is blowing up – but not for the reasons the filmmaker probably expected. This perfectly demonstrates how showing what you saw isn’t journalism – tackling what you didn’t see is the missing piece of this guys’ puzzle.
A bunch of female filmmakers are joining forces for a new initiative for, well, women filmmakers.
Vlogbrother Hank covered Mass Incarceration in the US — sitting this with arts and culture as the animation is pretty great.
In the US, it seems like social media might be “saving” the independent bookshop… if you believe the “little guy” is going to die out completely because Amazon has a 30% market share. (Definitely tune into Book Riot’s next podcast to see what they have to say about this.)
Where are the real outsiders in new media? Or, why being a white dork who made it mainstream doesn’t make you diverse.
YouTube wants its creators to build ‘fanbases’ rather than audiences. Which does not mean what I think it means. As Steven put it, sooo 2008.
OnTumblr’s Emergent Optimisation. For me this was more interesting from a cultural than a design or development perspective.
Drooling over the New Yorker’s digital strategy.
Ann Friedman on Moving for Love. 2 years on, I barely give a thought to Evan’s and my long distance days.
[ETA: Page no longer exists.]
Ann Friedman again, on journalism: Starting Niche.
Yep, it’s the Longform Podcast again. Check out Amanda Hess on this week’s episode. She’s the one who wrote that (first) article on James Deen. Random House non-fiction editor Andy Ward was a good listen, too.
The Hidden Brain: How Ocean Currents Explain Our Unconscious Social Biases via Brain Pickings. I’d like to read this book now.
– &c. –
Currently reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (even though he was the most insufferable Longform guest I’ve heard yet)
Currently holding off watching: Game of Thrones Season 4, because meh.
Number of Burritos eaten this week: 1. Must try harder.
What were your best reads of the week? Drop them below or tweet me.