It’s BEDA Day 7 and the best day of the week – Friday!
Today I’m catching up with friends, hanging out with my parents, and looking forward to a fun weekend at the Edinburgh Festivals before heading to California on Monday!
More on that and my top links of the week below.
What have you been reading this week?
Over on my business blog, I posted about How to Schedule Your Social Media Updates.
Blog Every Day April – July Book Reviews | August TBR & Updates | Some of my Favourite Quotations | How I Became Canongate’s #NudgeYourWorld Guinea Pig | Top 3 Cover Songs.
13 Audiobooks That Make Every Drive Worth It. I like non-fiction read by the author, so some of these are definitely on my list.
It’s always lovely to hear that entertainers you like are big readers. Bill Hader’s By The Book is fantastic. The archive is well worth a look too.
I love this New Yorker feature on The Earliest Recorded Sounds. There’s also some examples in the Out Loud podcast on it. It fascinates me that new technologies tend to exist solely for technology’s sake, and that no-one thinks to save it for posterity.
This guy be crazy though:
Guglielmo Marconi, who sent the first radio message, in 1902, believed that with a microphone that was sufficiently sensitive he could hear Jesus delivering the Sermon on the Mount, and in 1925 a writer for the Washington Post speculated that a radio was capable of broadcasting the voices of the dead. A radio transmits vibrations, he wrote, and the voices of the dead “simply vibrate at a lower rate.”
OK Cupid is experimenting on its users. Not just UX testing, but randomising match percentages and other questionable tactics.
TL;DR quickly followed up this story with this interview with OK Cupid President and co-founder Christian Rudder.
How about some YouTube chat? In Fast Company:
Inside YouTube’s Fame Factory.
What the Biggest YouTube Stars Really Think About Agencies Controlling Content
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If you’ve ever felt a feeling, Ze Frank has described it more eloquently than you ever could.
My friend Laura of The Bathory followed up a her weekend at a DO Workshop with 10 pieces of farm-fresh small business wisdom.
What have you been reading this week?