The Sound of Noise follows detective Amadeus, who grew up in a classicallly trained family but has the misfortune of being tone-deaf. Meanwhile, a pair of vigilante musicians, Sanna and Magnus, make their own musical magic while driving, blending live drum beats played from the back of their truck with the self-made music of its speeding engine.
When they crash, the pair come into contact with Amadeus as he is sent to investigate a ticking sound emanating from the vehicle. Finding that it’s merely a metronome, he is soon hot on the tail of Sanna and Magnus who, alongside four rambunctious drummers, are implementing an ambitious plan to fill their city with the sound of noise. Black humour mingles with the frenetic energy of drum-beats in this gritty comedy, bringing verve to an otherwise flat, uninspired city. While this certainly keeps the pace, the interludes between performances wither. Contagious scenes like its opening punctuate the film, but fail to make up for an otherwise uninventive plot.