Lately, I’ve been finding that there are a lot of films that I’m really looking forward to. To which I am looking forward. That I wish were here already, please.
Misfits, Series 2
I have no idea when this is due to start, but I’m not sure I can go much longer without my Robert Keenan fix. Plan: Series 1 catch-up this week.
Charlie St Cloud
What can I say? It looks decidedly, unabashedly, and (hopefully) delightfully rubbish. I can’t wait.
Glee, Season 2
I started watching Glee while I was living in the US last summer. Sadly it looks like it won’t be screened in the UK until January, but I’m making a trip to California in December so hopefully I can do some quick catch-up.

From Here to Eternity
The wonderful Park Circus Films is re-releasing From Here to Eternity tomorrow (Friday 24 September). I read today that they’re also re-releasing It Happened One Night, and although I watch it pretty recently I’m not sure I can resist a quick trip to the GFT to catch these beauties.
This is the first ‘unconference’ (or non-con as I’ve been calling it) on Digital Innovation & The Moving Image (click for more details on how the website I’m working on, Quotables, is involved). I get to skip class, hang out with a bunch of my film buddies, hear great speakers, and round off the day with a few drinks and a film quiz. That’s my kind of day.
What are you looking forward to in the coming months?