Happy Friday and happy Reading Week #10!
This week I’ve mostly been finishing up contracts and getting ready to move on with my life and with my business.
I spent the last 2 days at the Small is Beautiful conference, and it was just the best. Great speakers, tons of amazing advice, a little dash of over-sentiment, and – above all – fantastic people to talk to about our small business work and ambitions. If I hadn’t been there as an organiser I’d have attended as a delegate. And I really feel like I found my tribe of fellow creative wee business-owners.
With that in mind, I have a question for you: It also gave me a lot of space to think about merging my online work. If robotnic.co became a place where I discussed business and writing and online content, would you be interested in reading it? Does robotnic make sense to you as an extension of my professional and nerdy-cultural self, or do you like it the way it is? I’d love to hear your feedback!
Onward to the links…
Win a copy of Fan Phenomena: The Hunger Games (by me!) over on Goodreads!
Inertia is the Antithesis of Creativity. Austin Kleon + 99U = <3. His new book, Show Your Work, is great.
*If you’re writing non-fiction, get out of the house. Stop reading Slate and Jezebel. Stop watching Youtube. Journalism is about “hanging out” with others. And not writers. Stop hanging out with other writers. Your authority will come from practice, not parties. Your authority will come from a generous engagement with the world—the actual world, not cocktail circuits.
Ladybits’ First & Last Year on Medium. I know the author is walking a line here, but is it just me or did they just get totally fucked over then thank them for it?
Recent Jeopardy champion Arthur Chu wrote this great piece on nerd culture, how mainstream media portrays it, and its many dangers. Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds.
–– &c. ––
For the curious:
Small is Beautiful Live Blog – Day 1
Small is Beautiful Live Blog – Day 2
& ALL of the Small is Beautiful live tweets.
Currently reading: The Secret History by Donna Tartt – and I swear I’ll have a new answer soon.
What’s making you happy this week?
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