Hello from Edinburgh!
The busiest month of my years has begun. The past week has been spent preparing for the Edinburgh International Film Festival, where I’ll be working and writing round the clock from Wednesday 18 – Sunday 29 June.
In the meantime, I’ve some fresh new links for you – some of mine, some from elsewhere.
Too Old; Didn’t Read – On Mainstream Shaming: a title of which I am very proud.
My May Reads – better late than never, right?
Is Katniss Everdeen Actually a Strong Female Character? – not my headline, but my words beneath. A chapter from my book appeared in Huffington Post Books.
& in related: Win a copy of my book on Goodreads!
“Crossing Manic Pixie Dream Girl DNA with a teenage boy results in a fiercer predator than anything in Jurassic Park.” – The Case Against Augustus Waters. (Or, It only takes one Manic Pixie Dream Guy to make a think piece).
This advert screened during the NBA final – a rallying cry against the Washington NFL team.
In related, here’s more on the dangers of cultural appropriation, in Aeon Magazine: Is nothing sacred?
An Interview with Karina Longworth – whose amazing podcast, You Must Remember This, is well worth listening to.
This incredible talk – The Internet With a Human Face – popped up in my feed almost 2 weeks ago and I keep and keep and keep going back to it.
These big collections of personal data are like radioactive waste. It’s easy to generate, easy to store in the short term, incredibly toxic, and almost impossible to dispose of. Just when you think you’ve buried it forever, it comes leaching out somewhere unexpected.
In related: The Internet loves? The Internet hates? No! The Internet is not a person.
A little history of autocorrect.
–– &c. ––
15 Cities for Creative 20-Somethings That Aren’t New York or Los Angeles. Our sights are set on Portland, OR. What about yours?
“There are few overnight successes and many up-all-night successes.” – Creative People Say No. I should try this sometime.
What have you been reading this week?