Happy Friday!
How are things in your part of the world? Here in Glasgow it’s been alternately snowing and hailing and dry freezing. It’s like a winter fucking wonderland.
But it’s all in your best interest. Lots of time indoors = lots of articles, so have at it!
The Essayist Project continues at last with my more-reviewy-than usual take on We Should All Be Feminists by Chimimanda Ngoze Adichie.
And, ICYMI, last week I launched a podcast! Bookish Blether is now on iTunes, Stitcher and Soundcloud. So no excuses! You can also follow us on Twitter and Tumblr. If you’re really picky here’s the RSS link too.
On my business blog, here are some January Links. I’m also sending a monthly newsletter (separate from Reading Week) about the world of social media and content – if that’s your kind of thing you can sign up here.
If you’ve 90 minutes to spare, I recommend Power of Story: Serious Ladies at 2015 Sundance Film Festival with Lena Dunham, Kristen Wiig, Jenji Kohan and Mindy Kaling.
Why it’s a problem that writers never talk about where their money comes from. Now THIS is an article the publishing world has been waiting for. Long overdue – and very true.
I’m not big on listicles but, go on then: 24 Things No One Tells You About Book Publishing.
How to Write an Oscar-Nominated Movie, 2015 Edition. Thanks, WaPo.
Interesting piece from Catherine Bray on Self-Distributing Beyond Clueless – a documentary she produced, in selected UK cinemas now.
A great profile of Kaitlin Olsen of It’s Always Sunny… in which she discusses saving Sweet Dee from a straight woman fate.
“[McElhenney] was like, ‘Look, we just don’t know how to write for a woman, but we’ll figure it out,’” Olson says. “And I was like, ‘Well then, don’t write for a woman. Just write — look at all these great funny characters you wrote. Just write one of those. I’ll make it female.’”
Holy Shit, Hank Green Interviewed the President. Then he wrote this fantastic piece about crumbling news institutions, the intersection of old and new media, and legitimacy.
So there’s this “liberal” writer called Jonathan Chait, and he thinks that white men bestow equality upon other groups in our society. He whinged about our so-called second age of Political Correctness and the internet eviscerated him. This writer, Alex Pareene, called him out on his reaction to being called out: Punch-Drunk Jonathan Chait Takes On the Entire Internet. (It also links to the original piece, but meh.)
Solid Dudes – a surprisingly sweet piece on online dating and finding the right person. (Side note: my husband’s name is Evan & he’s more than solid.)
A note on this section: I’m aware that a lot of arts and culture or digital topics can end up ghettoised under this subheading by virtue of their being about intersectional topics – so I’m trying not marginalise good writing in this way. This week there are a few specifically on topic, so here goes!
The writer Ijeoma Oluo fielded a racist troll on MLK Day and it’s pretty staggering to read. The definition of killing em with kindness.
A Leslie Knope In A World Full Of Liz Lemons (subtitle: Liz Lemon is who the world wants you to be. Leslie Knope is who you should aim to be.) is a great read. I don’t agree entirely, but Hanna Brooks Olsen puts forward a great argument here.
The above also cites this amazing piece by Sadie Stein on Typecasting: The Skinny Glutton.
In the Guardian: African women are blazing a feminist trail – why don’t we hear their voices? Rwanda’s parliament has more men than women! Why aren’t we talking about this?!
–– ON PAPER ––
Currently reading, fiction: As For Me and My House by Sinclair Ross.
Currently reading, non-fiction: In Praise of Messy Lives by Katie Roiphe and – because I can’t help myself from starting several books at once – Selfish Shallow and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids edited by Meghan Daum (mine’s an ARC).
Got a good book on the go? Hit reply and let me know.
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The Secrets Of Highly Efficient Napping. NGL, reading this made me feel really sleepy.
Right, I’m off to pilates then getting ready for a fancy anniversary dinner.
Have a lovely weekend, friends!